Management of Non-Current Assets – Fixed Assets Management

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Management of Non-Current Assets – Fixed Assets Management

The purpose of this course is to investigate the problem, which stems from non-current fixed assets affecting profitability and asset management efficiency. Tangible assets, intangible assets and financial assets are all included in non-current fixed assets. The aim of the course is to identify the impact of estimates and valuation in accounting for non-current fixed assets through several objectives, for example, explanation of the impairment tests of tangible and intangible assets under IFRS. This Course relied on combining the deductive approach with the quantitative analysis approach, where the deductive approach was used to root the subject through books, periodicals
and scientific communications and electronic topics. The differences in the measurement of accounting figures under IFRS and EAS may directly affect the numerator of ratio calculations, their denominator, or both. In cases where the difference in measurement affects only the numerator or only the denominator, the effect of the changes is straightforward, easy to identify and to interpret. Identification and interpretation are less obvious in cases of numerous diverging effects on ratios. The results provided by this course have a
practical value for designers and users of financial statements.

Course Objectives

  • To expose the participants to the Techniques of Assets Maintenance Management.
  • To enable the participants know what constitutes Fixed Assets identification and valuation.
  • To train the participants in the keeping of the Assets Register through the Pastel Fixed Asset Software in order to generate information for management for Effective Fixed Assets Maintenance.