Risk Management in Banking operations

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Risk Management in Banking operations


Banks are invariably faced with different types of risks that may have a potentially adverse effect on their business. Banks are obliged to establish a comprehensive and reliable risk management system, integrated in all business activities and providing for the bank risk profile to be always in line with the established risk propensity.

The course will develop an understanding of the importance of operational risk management within the Banking operations and build an appreciation for the impact operational risk can have. The focus is on the practical implication of operational risk, rather than just the theory. To this end real-world examples and case studies are used throughout.  The aim is that participants not only leave with a better understanding of operational risk, but also how better to manage it.

Learning outcomes

  • Risk management strategy and policies, as well as procedures for risk identification and measurement, i.e. for risk assessment and risk management;
  • Appropriate internal organisation, i.e. bank’s organizational structure;
  • Effective and efficient risk management process covering all risks the bank is exposed to or may potentially be exposed to in its operations;
  • Adequate internal controls system;
  • Appropriate information system;
  • Adequate process of internal capital adequacy assessment.