Pension Management and Operations

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Pension Management and Operations

The pension world is a fast-moving place that cannot be ignored.

The requirements and duties of everyone involved with work-related pension schemes are growing in complexity; consequently, the pressure on managers, auditors and accountants is at an all-time high. Our training course shall address the practical elements of treating this as well as providing more informed procedural guidance on administering a pension scheme, accounting and auditing obstacles.

The course also aims to provide delegates with an insight and understanding of records management. It will then provide techniques to deal with the issues and challenges involved in implementing electronic records management systems.

Finally, the programme will focus on the essential elements of management, providing supervisors and first line managers with the core knowledge and the skills needed to execute their roles and responsibilities as new managers.

Participants attending the Pensions Management Operations training course will develop the following competencies:

  • Understand the value of Pensions and management
  • Learn how to transfer, adapt and apply best practice from both the public and the private sector
  • Deal with common administrative duties
  • Understand the need for records management
  • Make a significant contribution in the investment decisions of schemes