Pension Scheme Management and Governance

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Pension Scheme Management and Governance

Evidence shows that there is a correlation between propensity to save and propensity to invest. In Africa, propensity to save remains low. Pension schemes come into play to address a critical gap. Pension schemes, as one of the avenues propagated for retirement savings, continue to attract curious attention in the manner they are governed and managed. Pension Scheme Management Models need to be re-engineered.

Course Objectives
• Explain the meaning and importance of pension governance
• Appreciate the types and designs and fundamentals of pension schemes
• Appreciate the duties and management function of trustees, roles of professional advisors as well as linkages between different parties to a pension scheme
• Explain the investment landscape of pension funds
• Formulate Pension scheme management performance indicators and the importance of performance evaluation of trustees of pension schemes in enhancing governance
• Analyze the risks pension funds are exposed to and the need of effective risk management in pension schemes