International Data Standards in Country OpenData Platforms

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International Data Standards in Country OpenData Platforms


is designed to provide a broad overview of Open Data principles and best practices from the standpoint of a data producer, and empower data managers and technical staff with the background and skills to contribute to the Open Data community. Open Data is a growing movement that attempts to remove most of the technical and legal barriers to use of public data, and realize much greater social and economic benefits of data use. Open Data initiatives have been gaining ground for many years, and over 500 Open Data catalogs are now in operation around the globe. However, many organizations, particularly in government, may be unfamiliar with or even skeptical of Open Data and its impacts, or lack the knowledge to design and implement Open Data programs effectively. This is often especially true in developing countries, where capacity can be low and access to the latest learning resources is often limited.

Course Objectives:

  • A thorough understanding of the definition, significance, benefits, and issues relating to Open Data, in the context of public institutions and government.
  • A detailed knowledge of Open Data standards and best practices.
  • An overview of data management roles, processes, and practices for Open Data.
  • Strategies for effective citizen engagement.