Climate Change Adaptation in Food Security and Natural Resource Management

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Climate Change Adaptation in Food Security and Natural Resource Management.


Without appropriate Responses, climate change is likely to constrain economic development in sectors such as agriculture, fisheries and forestry in many countries. But if you for it, adaptation to climate change is possible. With this course you and your organization can get involves. And acquire the theoretic knowledge and the skills to translate policy documents and research  into climate –smart adaption strategies  .The interactive course will help take home a personal action plan to integrate your new knowledge and skills into your daily work at home.

Course objectives

  • Participants of this course will have full understanding of climate change adaptation concepts;
  • They are able to effectively and meaningfully contribute to the debate on climate change adaptation, either in the policy process and/or in providing knowledge to the policy process.
  • They will strengthen their positions in these processes on the basis of newly acquired concepts, skills and methodologies.